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Keep Electrical Enclosures Cool, Clean, & Protected

Vortex A/C Coolers incorporate the most up-to-date features into Vortec’s line of highly reliable, cost effective enclosure cooling systems.
  • Sleek, modern design
  • Noise reduction of 78%, when compared to other vortex enclosure coolers
  • Energy use reduction through its integral mechanical thermostat
  • Quick and easy installation in about 5 minutes
  • Flexible installation:  top, side or front (door) mount
The Vortex A/C is available in four different cooling capacities, and ratings of NEMA 12, NEMA 4/4X.

All of Vortec’s Enclosure Air Conditioning units keep Electrical and Electronic Enclosures cool, clean and protected and are a low cost alternative to expensive, high maintenance air conditioners; and avoid contamination with dirty, humid air caused by fans.

Today’s small, compact multi-function electronic controls, variable speed drives, servos and programmable logic controllers are extremely sensitive to heat and contamination.  Smaller cabinet sizes make temperature control difficult and prone to premature failures.  Excessive heat will cause digital displays to misread, controls to drift, and breakers to trip below rated loads.  The result is productivity lost due to machine or line shutdowns.

Vortex cabinet air conditioners maintain a slight pressurization in the cabinet to keep electrical and electronic components clean and dry; and most are thermostatically controlled to maintain enclosure temperatures within a specified temperature range.
Prices start at $805


  • Thermostatically controlled to maintain enclosure temperatures within ideal range
  • Highly reliable, with full 10 year warranty
  • No ambient, dirty or humid air enters the cabinet
  • Can be used on all cabinets, even in tight spaces
  • Easy to install, takes about 5 minutes
  • No wiring required to install
  • Operates in environments up to 175 deg F
  • Low cost, compared to Freon air conditioners
  • Reduce operating cost with mechanical thermostat turning the unit on only when necessary
  • Very quiet, 62 dBA operation, 78% quieter than typical vortex coolers
  • Multiple cooling capacities available, to optimize performance and operating cost


  • Small footprint to fit on all enclosures and in confined areas
  • Top, side or front (door) mount models available
  • Maintain temperature between 75 – 90 deg F
  • Supplied with air filter and ducting kit
  • Maintains slight pressurization in the enclosure
  • UL Listed

Vortex A/C Specifications

Use the buttons to select either U.S. or Metric Dimension and either NPT or BSP Products
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (BTU/hr)Air Consumption @ 100 psig (scfm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
701590015NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025150025NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035250035NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7070500070NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
711590015NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125150025NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135250035NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7170500070NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
761590015NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625150025NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635250035NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
7670500070NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
771590015NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725150025NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735250035NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
7770500070NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (BTU/hr)Air Consumption @ 100 psig (scfm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
7015-BSP90015NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025-BSP150025NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035-BSP250035NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7070-BSP500070NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7115-BSP90015NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125-BSP150025NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135-BSP250035NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7170-BSP500070NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7615-BSP90015NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625-BSP150025NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635-BSP250035NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
7670-BSP500070NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
7715-BSP90015NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725-BSP150025NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735-BSP250035NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
7770-BSP500070NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (Watts)Air Consumption @ 6.9 bar (slpm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
7015264425NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025440708NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035733992NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
707014651983NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7115264425NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125440708NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135733992NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
717014651983NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7615264425NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625440708NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635733992NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
767014651983NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
7715264425NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725440708NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735733992NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
777014651983NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (Watts)Air Consumption @ 6.9 bar (slpm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
7015-BSP264425NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025-BSP440708NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035-BSP733992NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7070-BSP14651983NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7115-BSP264425NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125-BSP440708NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135-BSP733992NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7170-BSP14651983NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7615-BSP264425NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625-BSP440708NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635-BSP733992NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
7670-BSP14651983NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
7715-BSP264425NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725-BSP440708NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735-BSP733992NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
7770-BSP14651983NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical

Product Instructions

Case Studies


Titan purchases large "logs" of foam tape with a self-adhesive backing and slits them into narrower widths to meet their customer's requirements. A water-based mist is used as a lubricant on the slitting machines. The controls for the slitting machines had fans installed to keep the electronics cool. In the summer months, the fans simply pulled hot and humid mist-laden...


A large ice cream manufacturing plant faced serious heat-related issues with a large Allen-Bradley control panel. The panel frequently overheated during the summer, resulting in shutdowns which caused massive loss of production. The plant maintenance supervisor estimated that for every hour of shutdown, the food manufacturer lost $10,000 in potential revenue... 


PSI builds control panels for a wide range of manufacturing clients in many industries including industrial compressor, industrial HVAC, water and gas purifications, and power measurement. Their control panels utilize the most advanced engineering and programming technology to provide ease of operation in tracking and adjusting multiple functions in industrial plants...


The following case study explains how natural gas pipeline powder coater EB Pipe Coating (Panama City, Fla.) used four Vortex A/C electrical enclosure coolers to solve space and configuration issues posed by conventional air conditioners on an OEM powder coating system...

Shop Vortex A/C Coolers


LIT0201 Cold Air Guns
LIT0201 Cold Air Guns

Keep Electrical Enclosures Cool, Clean, & Protected

Vortex A/C Coolers incorporate the most up-to-date features into Vortec’s line of highly reliable, cost effective enclosure cooling systems.
  • Sleek, modern design
  • Noise reduction of 78%, when compared to other vortex enclosure coolers
  • Energy use reduction through its integral mechanical thermostat
  • Quick and easy installation in about 5 minutes
  • Flexible installation:  top, side or front (door) mount
The Vortex A/C is available in four different cooling capacities, and ratings of NEMA 12, NEMA 4/4X.

All of Vortec’s Enclosure Air Conditioning units keep Electrical and Electronic Enclosures cool, clean and protected and are a low cost alternative to expensive, high maintenance air conditioners; and avoid contamination with dirty, humid air caused by fans.

Today’s small, compact multi-function electronic controls, variable speed drives, servos and programmable logic controllers are extremely sensitive to heat and contamination.  Smaller cabinet sizes make temperature control difficult and prone to premature failures.  Excessive heat will cause digital displays to misread, controls to drift, and breakers to trip below rated loads.  The result is productivity lost due to machine or line shutdowns.

Vortex cabinet air conditioners maintain a slight pressurization in the cabinet to keep electrical and electronic components clean and dry; and most are thermostatically controlled to maintain enclosure temperatures within a specified temperature range.
Prices start at $805


  • Thermostatically controlled to maintain enclosure temperatures within ideal range
  • Highly reliable, with full 10 year warranty
  • No ambient, dirty or humid air enters the cabinet
  • Can be used on all cabinets, even in tight spaces
  • Easy to install, takes about 5 minutes
  • No wiring required to install
  • Operates in environments up to 175 deg F
  • Low cost, compared to Freon air conditioners
  • Reduce operating cost with mechanical thermostat turning the unit on only when necessary
  • Very quiet, 62 dBA operation, 78% quieter than typical vortex coolers
  • Multiple cooling capacities available, to optimize performance and operating cost


  • Small footprint to fit on all enclosures and in confined areas
  • Top, side or front (door) mount models available
  • Maintain temperature between 75 – 90 deg F
  • Supplied with air filter and ducting kit
  • Maintains slight pressurization in the enclosure
  • UL Listed

Vortex A/C Specifications

Use the buttons to select either U.S. or Metric Dimension and either NPT or BSP Products
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (BTU/hr)Air Consumption @ 100 psig (scfm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
701590015NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025150025NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035250035NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7070500070NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
711590015NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125150025NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135250035NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7170500070NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
761590015NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625150025NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635250035NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
7670500070NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
771590015NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725150025NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735250035NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
7770500070NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (BTU/hr)Air Consumption @ 100 psig (scfm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
7015-BSP90015NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025-BSP150025NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035-BSP250035NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7070-BSP500070NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7115-BSP90015NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125-BSP150025NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135-BSP250035NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7170-BSP500070NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7615-BSP90015NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625-BSP150025NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635-BSP250035NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
7670-BSP500070NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
7715-BSP90015NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725-BSP150025NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735-BSP250035NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
7770-BSP500070NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (Watts)Air Consumption @ 6.9 bar (slpm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
7015264425NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025440708NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035733992NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
707014651983NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7115264425NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125440708NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135733992NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
717014651983NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7615264425NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625440708NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635733992NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
767014651983NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
7715264425NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725440708NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735733992NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
777014651983NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical
PRODUCT NUMBERCooling Capacity (Watts)Air Consumption @ 6.9 bar (slpm)RatingSystem or Cooler Only?Sound LevelThermostat
7015-BSP264425NEMA 4/4XCooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7025-BSP440708NEMA 4/4XCooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7035-BSP733992NEMA 4/4XCooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7070-BSP14651983NEMA 4/4XCooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7115-BSP264425NEMA 12Cooler Only60 dBAMechanical
7125-BSP440708NEMA 12Cooler Only66 dBAMechanical
7135-BSP733992NEMA 12Cooler Only72 dBAMechanical
7170-BSP14651983NEMA 12Cooler Only75 dBAMechanical
7615-BSP264425NEMA 12System60 dBAMechanical
7625-BSP440708NEMA 12System66 dBAMechanical
7635-BSP733992NEMA 12System72 dBAMechanical
7670-BSP14651983NEMA 12System75 dBAMechanical
7715-BSP264425NEMA 4/4XSystem60 dBAMechanical
7725-BSP440708NEMA 4/4XSystem66 dBAMechanical
7735-BSP733992NEMA 4/4XSystem72 dBAMechanical
7770-BSP14651983NEMA 4XSystem75 dBAMechanical

Product Instructions

Case Studies


Titan purchases large "logs" of foam tape with a self-adhesive backing and slits them into narrower widths to meet their customer's requirements. A water-based mist is used as a lubricant on the slitting machines. The controls for the slitting machines had fans installed to keep the electronics cool. In the summer months, the fans simply pulled hot and humid mist-laden...


A large ice cream manufacturing plant faced serious heat-related issues with a large Allen-Bradley control panel. The panel frequently overheated during the summer, resulting in shutdowns which caused massive loss of production. The plant maintenance supervisor estimated that for every hour of shutdown, the food manufacturer lost $10,000 in potential revenue... 


PSI builds control panels for a wide range of manufacturing clients in many industries including industrial compressor, industrial HVAC, water and gas purifications, and power measurement. Their control panels utilize the most advanced engineering and programming technology to provide ease of operation in tracking and adjusting multiple functions in industrial plants...


The following case study explains how natural gas pipeline powder coater EB Pipe Coating (Panama City, Fla.) used four Vortex A/C electrical enclosure coolers to solve space and configuration issues posed by conventional air conditioners on an OEM powder coating system...

Shop Vortex A/C Coolers


LIT0201 Cold Air Guns
LIT0201 Cold Air Guns